
Tips and tricks

Plasmo > Tips and Tricks  > How to create spring or curled data cable
Friday, 16th September 2011

How to create spring or curled data cable


Every model is based on some object from the real world. Unfortunately, every model lose many details. They can be simply left out or significantly reduced. If a plastic modeler wants model with better details then he usually doesn't use only things from model kit, but he also creates some accessories himself.

Cockpits and landing gears are some of the most complicated parts of plastic models. A lot of details are reduced. Handmade spring can increase realistic look of landing gear of your model.

We will need:

  • thick wire (0.4 mm)
  • thin wire (0.05 mm, it is often used in electric coils, electric motors, and electromagnets)


  1. We will twist thin 0.05 mm wire around thick wire.
  2. Then we will remove it carefully and stretch out to desired size.
  3. We use superglue to attach it to a model.


#1  Joe  2013-11-28 15:08:39
I really like this tip. It brings back some of those important details to make the plane more life like, thanks!
#2  Vašek  2014-10-30 14:31:58
Ahoj, odkaď by se dal sehnat ten 0.05mm drátek? Pokud teda nemám cívku, elektromagnet ani elektromotor. Teda aspoň žádnej, kterej bych byl ochotnej kuchnout. Nejtenčí drát, kterej sem sehnal v železářství byl O.4mm.
#3  LittleBear  2014-10-30 20:07:38
alternativa může být pletený vodič. Často různé nabíječky do mobilů nebo UTP. V elektru určitě budou mít taky nějaké pletené kablíky. Tenké žíly mají i silové vodiče k RC modelům. Prodávají se na délku.
#4  Matt  2015-07-22 22:52:02
i like your work very much, but the videos are too short and i wish i could watch the full video build.

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