
Tips and tricks

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Tuesday, 24th April 2012

Respirators and protective masks


Today, I will show you how to effectively protect yourself when using an airbrush or spray paints. A spray gun works on the principle of atomizing paint into the space, and therefore, the relatively large amount of molecules of paint get into the air, which you are breathing. Fumes from solvents and other toxic substances, which we use during model building, are not pleasant or healthy too.

There are several ways how to protect yourself against these harmful substances. In the following instructions I will present you the options. The most important thing, as all manufacturers of paints and adhesives advise, is to work in a well-ventilated room. This means to have either active ventilation or at least open windows. In the summer, I am using a desktop fan, which blows spray paint out of the room. This process is quite effective, but there is a risk of stirring up settled dust and it can stick to the model.

After finishing a few models, I decided to get a respirator. The common respirators are relatively inexpensive and are usually sold in large quantities, but they may not be as effective as some more expensive ones and they prevent vapors inhalation only a little.

The first respirator is very common and cheap. Price is around 1 euro for 3 pieces.

The second respirator is a little better. It has respiratory valve and sufficiently prevents against inhalation of harmful substances. However, it does not prevent against inhalation of vapors.

The third and the best option, which I got from the military surplus sales, is M10 gas mask used by Czech Army. :-) The price is around 5 euro. The effectiveness of this mask is excellent. It has large glass, so you can very well see what you are doing. In addition, it has several filters. This mask prevents inhalation of both paint particles and vapors from solvents.


#1  ladiznet  2012-06-19 22:34:45
třetí varianta je opravdu cool :D
#2  David  2013-01-26 02:23:03
Ahoj, kde jsi tu masku sehnal ? Díky předem za odpověď :)
#3  LittleBear  2013-01-26 09:20:14
Ahoj, je více obchodů kde se dají koupit masky.


Obyčejnější masky seženete v obchodu s barvami nebo Baumaxu.
#4  David  2013-01-26 15:25:06
Díky za odkaz.
#5  David  2013-01-29 21:38:04
Už mám doma tu masku. Problém je že návod je Polsky, tak ale jinak je fajn, tak díky za pomoc :)

#6  Igor  2014-02-10 10:35:51
Odporučam Elipse P3 R respirátor. Má malé rozmery a vymenitelny prachovy aj uhlíkovy filter. Stoji tak 20 Eur.

Pri kupe respitatora si treba vsimat o aky typ ide. Ta na prvom obrazku je ffp1 (80%) na striekanie (aerosol farby) je si ju skoda aj davat. Ta druha je lepsia, vyzera uz na ffp2 (asi 94%) a posledna ak armadne masky obsahuju aj prachove filtre by mohla byt typ P3 (99,95%).

Dolezity je aj uhlikovy filter. Ten odfiltruje vacsinu organickych vyparov.

Velmi dobre su polomasky 3M s P3R filtrami. Stoja vsak trochu viac.

Poznamka na zaver. Ucinok masky sa vyrazne znizuje ak sa da na neoholenu tvar.
#7  Ondra  2015-07-31 21:30:01
Ahoj, mám doma M10. Ale nevím, jak mám do masky upevnit malé filtry. Můžeš mi nějak poradit? Díky

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